Friday, November 21, 2008


This morning at the breakfast table:

Luke: What are these things?
Me: Those are almonds, a kind of nut.
Luke: Oh I don't want them
Me: you should try them you might like them and they are good for you.
Luke: They might be good for you, but their not good for me!



Mary Perriton said...

haha. That's great! Love, Mom

Emily said...

So funny!

My Josh refuses to eat any nuts but peanuts... you can't even sneak them past him! He can detect them, and then he will rake scrape his tongue with his fingernails and just gag. Poor kid.

The Little's said...

That Luke is one funny kid! I wish we lived closer so we could get our kids together...

-Melissa- said...

Too funny! you never know what kids are going to say. :)