Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Joys :)
1)happy kids
2)the smell of the ocean
4)when it rains and I don't have to turn on the sprinklers
Fears :(
1)losing a loved one
Goals ;0
1)raise happy, good kids
2)start excercising seriously
3)paint Phoebe's room
Obsessions/Collections :o
1)plucking my eyebrows
Random surprising facts ;0)
1)I can wiggle my left ear
2)I am left handed, but play most sports righty ( I think tennis is all I do lefty)
3)my feet have grown almost a 1/2 shoe size with each pregnancy


Mommymita said...

I can't wait to see what color you paint phoebe's room. So far I love all the vibrant colors you chose (well at least all the colors I see in the backgrounds of the photos you post)

One good thing about your feet growing is you have a great excuse to buy new shoes!

Sarah said...

Just reading your joys section made me breathe a little deeper :) I love the smell of the ocean!

-Melissa- said...

It is fun reading tags, because you get to know some new things about that person. I would have never known you could wiggle your left ear.

Mary Perriton said...

Oh, no! Hope you can still fit in Granny's orange shoes! Love, Mom

mamapickle said...

sadly, the orange shoes no longer fit :( I ahve them on my top shelf and am thinking of getting them a special display case made. Maybe Phoebe will want to wear them one day.

hoLLy said...

you'll have to show me that ear wiggle at church. i can kinda wiggle my ears too. i think only cool people can do this. :)