Friday, April 3, 2009

Eating Korean

We were able to have several meals of traditional Korean food. I think Korean food is the most flavorful of asian cuisine. You are served several dishes along with the main entree. If you empty any of these smaller bowls they will come and refill them. Lots of different flavors are in each dish and some are really good and some....not so much. I am lucky that my kids are pretty good eaters and most of the time they were willing to try things and sometimes were surprised at how much they liked something. One night we were at a Steam Pot resturant where you can choose from a large buffet of things to cook for yourself. Luke saw the octopus sitting there and kept asking over and over to have some. I finally decided that this was the probably the time and place to let him have a go at it and he went for it. He started out by licking it to be sure it tasted ok and after passing that test he went in for a bite. Unfortunately octopus is very rubbery and his little teeth had a hard time getting a piece off. He finally did get some and did eat it! I was pretty amazed and think these pictures are priceless.


The Little's said...

He's a lot braver than I am...I was once told that you can gauge a person's level of intelligence on how willing they are to try new foods. Apparently I'm an idiot and all of you and your kids are of genius-potential. I can't decide how I feel about that.

Mary Perriton said...

I love all your pictures, so many that I didn't get! The one of you and Scott is great. You are adorable! I miss you all SO much! Love, Mom

Nate P said...

Are you sure that you and scott ordered enough food there. what's with the huge portions and huge food there and why are the people little? i guess we need to plan our trip trip there now. that 22 hr flight is a bit unappealing though.

Mommymita said...

I love Korean food! But all the garlic and the smoke from the BBQ makes you stink a bit. I'm making some Korean beef this week but just need to run to the Asian store for some Kimchee to go with it!

Luke is very brave - maybe he'll serve his mission there or somewhere like China where they eat even worse things!